European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Recognition by Ministries

Large Infrastructure & Internationalisatios


Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research (M.U.R.S.T.) - under the funds for Large Infrastructures for the University - approved the project for the creation of a “Multimedia Laboratory for Multi-points Web-conferences and Open Distance Learning (ODL) activities of the European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication”.


Italian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research (M.I.U.R.) approved under the action "Internationalisation of the University System" programme (Art 7 - D.M. 21.06.99) the project "Innovative measures for the development of the European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication" and co-funded by the University of Rome” La Sapienza" (contract no. 1100268279).


Under the "Internationalisation of the University System" programme (Art 23 - D.M. 05.08.04) the Italian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research (MIUR) approved the project "Actions for the Sustainability of the European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication: support to the structured and integrated international mobility (physical and virtual)", co-funded by the University of Rome ”La Sapienza" (contract no. II04A05E0F).


Student and Staff Mobility & Joint Doctoral Vinci Program


The French-Italian University, a bi-national university network for joint teaching, research and awarding of diplomas, selected the European Doctorate on Social Representations and Communication from among the mobility projects.


The French-Italian University approved the European Doctorate on Social Representations and Communication as a Doctoral School within the scope of the Vinci programme


Although it did not receive funding due to the decision to not fund programs that had previously been funded, the European Ph. D. on SR & C was positively evaluated as an Ecole Thématique within the scope of the Vinci program